Jin Shin Jyutsu works with the life energy that flows through our body on pathways. Along these pathways are specific areas (26 on each side of the body) called "Safety Energy Locks.” These locks act like circuit breakers, locking when the flow of energy in a pathway is too much, too little, or stagnant. By locking, they protect us from further disharmony.
When a Safety Energy Lock is blocked, symptoms such as pain or dysfunction will appear in that area of the body. By using hands as "jumper cables" to specific Safety Energy Locks in certain sequences (similar to how one might use jumper cables to recharge a worn down car battery), practitioners can unlock the blockage and release imbalance and symptoms. Once the energy flows freely, harmony and wellness are restored.
The art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is always working on all levels of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. As we address the symptoms that have manifested on the outer layers of our form, we also work with emotions, attitudes and – more deeply still – the blueprint of our energetic system. The harmonizing that occurs at the deepest levels then spirals back outward, restoring balance of the mind, emotions and physical body.